Journalism has decided to pick a student in every grade for a student spotlight! We pick students every month to interview. These students are the ones that stand out amongst others by being courageous, outgoing, respectful, etc., or just having an amazing personality in general!
Wyatt Nicholson is 12 years old. He is in the sixth grade. His favorite subject is Language Arts because of Mrs. Thompson. "She's the bomb." He also loves to read and write. Wyatt's favorite hobby is to play the piano. As he told us, "My grandma inspires me to play the piano because when I play, it makes her happy, and she is getting old, so it makes her feel better." He has a passion for playing basketball because he can meet new friends, and get better. His favorite teacher is Mrs. Thompson because, "She's so funny, because she messes with all the students. Adding on, she also "makes learning really fun!" His favorite thing about Chisholm Trail is how you're more free. "I like how we don't have to stand in lines, and how you meet new friends." another reason to add, is because the teachers here are pretty cool. He describes himself as, crazy. "When I'm around my friends, I am super funny and I make them laugh all the time."
Addie Ortman is in seventh grade, and she is 12 years old about to be 13. Texas History is her favorite subject because ,"It is really fun and I like the activities that we do. I learn a lot from it. It is very interesting to learn fun facts." Addie likes to read because she feels like she's in the story and with the characters. This hobby can come in hand sometimes. Her passion is volleyball because she plays it a lot. It's fun to play because she meets a lot of new people, and friends. "My friends are my favorite thing about Chisholm trail because they encourage me to be better." Plus, she also likes getting good grades! we asked her to describe herself in one word. She chose "athletic" because she likes to do a lot of sports, and also likes to try a lot of new things. Addie describes,"It's fun to be in a lot of things that you can do with your friends."
Bailey is in eighth grade and she is 13 years old. Language arts is her favorite subject because it's easier for her, and she likes to read and write. Sports and reading are her hobbies, because they are just fun. It allows her to get her mind off school. "My passions are volleyball and basketball because they are just fun. I enjoy both sports very well, and I am super athletic." sports are something she has always liked since she was younger. Bailey has been playing volleyball since she was in the fourth grade. Her favorite thing about Chisholm trail are the eighth and sixth grade teachers because they are "Nice and fun. I loved all my sixth grade teachers, and now I love all my eighth grade teachers. It will definitely be hard to say goodbye." She described herself as, "Bubbly, because I like to talk a lot and just have fun."
These students we have chosen are just like you. You'll never know, you may be in the next student spotlight. So, bulldog up and be more dog!